You know that student from your high school class who was voted most likely to succeed?  Did they?

As we progress into life, we realize that high school was a different world.  Though in one setting a person may appear to be a success, they may not be viewed the same in other situations.  Even the “famous” people we admire, who are truly successful in one area, may be unhappy in other facets of life.

How about the high school classmate you barely noticed?  You know, the one who dressed differently and sat quietly in the back of the class.  Or what about the big bully who was always getting into trouble?  Would you be surprised to learn that twenty years later that uncomfortable-looking person is running a large corporation?  Or that the loud, boisterous guy is not in trouble with the law as you might have expected, but is working for a non-profit that helps the underprivileged?

You know what they say:  You can’t judge a book by its cover.  In fact, why judge others at all?

Love and respect everyone so you can live . . . your life to the fullest.