What happens when you have outdoor plans for a holiday and you wake up to rain?

Well, first of all you must make a decision.  Get upset, or not.  Why not simply ask yourself, “What does this make possible”?

Maybe you can get a little unplanned rest.  That can be a refreshing blessing!  Take the extra time to think of all the things you are grateful for.  Health, family, a good sofa or recliner . . . .

You may choose to catch up on some bookwork or go through that closet or drawer you’ve been trying to get to.  What a feeling of accomplishment to get that done!

Even though you might not be seeing sunshine outside, you can make a small gesture to brighten someone else’s day with a phone call.

Those unexpected changes of plans can be frustrating, or they can be blessings.  Make the best of your rainy days so you can live . . . your life to the fullest.