What are you capable of doing?  Do you even know?

We are often so ready to say, “I can’t.”  That is just more than I can handle.  I would never be able to do that!

How do you know you can’t do something if you haven’t tried to do it?

The noted publisher, Samuel McClure, stated “Unless a man is given more than he can possibly do, he will never do all that he can.”

You know those seasons when you feel completely overwhelmed.  It may be working a full-time job and taking college courses while maintaining a home for your family.  Or it could be the child-raising season of life when you are at home all day with four active children, homeschooling and changing diapers.  Maybe you are in the debt snowball phase of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace and you are working three jobs to get out of debt.

We can probably all look back at times and think, “how did I ever do that!”

It is when we find ourselves in a position that requires more of us that we recognize what we are actually capable of.

Don’t wait for those times of overwhelm.  Challenge yourself to more so you can live . . . your life to the fullest.