We are all created unique and special.  We each have specific strengths, abilities and desires.  We were given those for a purpose.  I don’t believe that we were given life to just exist.

I believe we are supposed to use our talents to make the world a better place – both now and after we are no longer living here.  Sometimes it is difficult to accept our differences and the differences of others.  Do you ever feel like you stand out – but not in a good way?  Most people simply want to fit in and feel normal.

What is normal anyway?  Patsy Clairmont says it’s just a setting on a dryer.  Dave Ramsey thinks normal is being in debt.  Other definitions include “conforming to the standard or the common type,” “usual,”  “regular,”  “typical,” “average,” “ordinary.”

I don’t know about you, but average and ordinary are not on my goals list!  My desire is to be excellent, extraordinary, my very best me . . .

What is your goal for life?  Do you want to be like everyone else and feel normal, or do you want to go after all that is possible for you?

I encourage you to choose the latter.  Embrace the unique person you truly are so you can live . . . your life to the fullest.