Do you ever think, “I would like to go back and just start over.”  It is not possible to go back in time and change the past, but we can certainly get a fresh start.

While I am all about setting goals and working toward them, it takes more than just deciding to do something to make it happen.  It takes a change in mindset.

When we get our thinking right, then we can begin moving forward into the life we desire.

The people who are winning and achieving are not smarter or special, they simply live with intention and have a plan and follow it.

You are probably familiar with Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  He describes actions as being either important or urgent.  It is when we don’t routinely do the important things that we end up living in a sense of urgency.  We must stop being distracted by the urgent.  Living in crisis mode prevents us from doing what is truly important and will positively impact our lives.

You can’t change the past, but you can definitely change the future.  Change your mindset so you can live . . . your life to the fullest.