Zig Ziglar, the great motivational speaker, has been one of my heroes ever since I saw him in person years ago.  He said, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”  But how do we get motivation daily?

It isn’t feasible to think that just taking one day at a time without intentional effort is going to result in a motivated life full of accomplishment and success.  No, we must implement some of those habits we talked about last week.

One thing that works well for me is to the keep a flow of positive information coming on a regular basis.  I love to read books that stretch my thinking and help me grow.  I do, however, maintain a stack of those because I have limited time for reading.  Audiobooks are a great way to solve that issue.  Podcasts are wonderful as well.  You can find several good ones on most any topic.

Seminars and conferences are another way to improve motivation.  Not only do you get great information, you can also interact with other likeminded people.

Dan Miller, another mentor of mine, recommends spending at least 5% of your income on personal development.  This can be buying books, subscribing to audible.com, attending conferences and workshops.  Just put that into your budget so will be more likely to make it happen.

Motivation doesn’t just happen.  Get that information flowing so you can live . . . your life to the fullest.