Do you ever look at your life and wonder why it looks the way it does? You fully expected to be in a totally different place by now; a better job, a bigger house, doing that one thing that you always knew you would do. What happened?
It is Not Too LateSometimes the responsibilities of life just seem to swoop down and take over. You are so busy making ends meet financially and taking care of the children you were planning to wait five years for, that you couldn’t finish your degree and move into the position you really wanted. Instead, you took a second job and now you look back and wonder where those ten years went.

The good news is that it is not too late to make your dreams come true. Whether you are the young parent I just described, the recent empty-nester, or the one who is retiring next month at 65, you don’t need to give up on your dreams.

It may not be quite as easy as it would have been as a young single person, but you can still finish that degree. Even if it takes longer while you are working a job, you will be a graduate after you finish nonetheless. I can tell you from experience that graduating from college as an adult feels incredible – probably even better and more meaningful than if you had completed it at 22!

It can be disconcerting when your whole life revolves around your children and then they leave home to live their own lives. Now what? Well, now is the time for you to do those things you always wanted to do but didn’t because you had different priorities.

Retirement is not what it used to be! People are living longer than they used to and it is quite common nowadays for a retiree to go back to school, work in a completely different field or develop that talent they never had time for.

You are not promised tomorrow. Make it happen now! Then you will be able to live! . . . your life to the fullest.