At the end of life we will cherish most our loved ones and friends, not wealth and physical valuables.

I have had the privilege over the years to take some weekend getaway trips with a group of ladies from my church.  The most recent of these trips was just this past weekend.

IMG_0351 (1)We enjoy each other’s company, do fun things together, eat a lot and laugh a lot.  There are always times of worshipping our Lord and Savior and encouraging one another.  There are a few of the ladies who have been on almost all of the trips.  One of our favorite parts of our time away is sharing about memories from previous trips with the new ladies who are with us.   We laugh so hard that we are in tears at times.

When something goes wrong, such as traveling out of the way due to a missed turn, we just smile and know that we are making more memories to share in the future.

One of the most fascinating things about these trips is the range of ages of the ladies.  From young single women to mothers with small children to retirees to elderly widows – we fellowship and love each other, appreciating and respecting our similarities and our differences.  This is such a beautiful treasure!

Be sure to cherish the treasures you have so you can live . . . your life to the fullest.