Taking time out of our usual life to give to others is one of the most fulfilling experiences!  Giving ForwardI had the privilege of serving as a cabin leader at a church camp last week.  My “cabin family” consisted of ten beautiful young ladies ranging from 14 to 19 years of age.  I loved getting to know each one and learning about their lives.

This opportunity also allowed me to get to meet new people who were on staff and spend time with friends I don’t see often.  Connecting with others who were there for the same reason – to pour themselves into the lives of young people – was not only enjoyable, but personally encouraging as well.

We watched as these youth participated in teambuilding experiences, played sports and just had fun.  We also observed as they sat in class and took in the information shared with them.  The most amazing part was seeing them surrender their hearts and lives to God in worship and hearing the Word of God shared.

Seeing the campers leave on Saturday morning, knowing the transformation they had experienced during the week, felt so wonderful.  Being able to love them and watch out for their wellbeing during the week and helping prepare them for the future, was such a rewarding experience!

What are some ways you can give forward into the life of someone else?  You may not be able to share a whole week with 10 people as I was privileged to do, but there are many opportunities to help others.  I encourage you to find the best way for you to give forward so you can begin now to live! . . . your life to the fullest!