How can you get what you want out of life?How Can You Get What You Want- (1)

The first step to getting what you want is to know what you want.  You may feel unhappy, but you can’t move toward the life you desire until you find out what that life looks like.

Once you know what you want, then you can set goals and begin working toward them.  Goals and direction are key to accomplishment, but they are certainly no guarantee.

What happens when you encounter an obstacle?   It is at that point that you have a choice.  You can become discouraged and give up, or you can choose to try again, and even harder this time.

What determines which choice you make?  I believe the best answer to that question is commitment.  If your mind is made up ahead of time that you are committed to achieving this goal, then the choice has already been made.  Instead of facing the risk of giving up, your only dilemma becomes how you will solve the issue of the obstacle.  It is much easier to pick yourself up and begin again when there is no need to think about it.  You already know that you are moving forward.

However, if there is no prior commitment, you will likely waste precious time doing what you have probably already done before – thinking through the pros and cons, desires and requirements.  Why revisit this if you have already done it?

Commitment is the greatest assurance for achievement.

What do you want?  I encourage you to commit to that desire today so you can begin to live! . . . your life to the fullest.