How would you describe your life up until now?  Has it been wonderful?  Has it been horrible?  Maybe somewhere in between?Untitled design (7)

Most likely your life has been both wonderful and horrible.

If you were asked to tell why your life has been wonderful, you could do that.  If you were asked to tell why your life has been horrible, you could do that as well.  You see, it’s all about the story you tell yourself.

Everyone has a story.  In fact, that is what our past is – the story we tell ourselves.  Yes, it was real and it did happen.  However, two people living in the same household and witnessing the same exact event will have a different story.  Why?  Because each views life through a different lens, filtered by their own experiences and personal traits.  If you don’t believe this, just ask a sibling about a particular event from your childhood.

This realization is quite liberating.  Most everyone can look back at their life and see things they wish had been different.  Some people have wasted a lot of energy on dwelling on the past, experiencing anger about what was done to them or beating themselves up emotionally for something they did – or did not do.  The truth is, the past is in the past.  There is nothing we can do to change it.

Instead of reliving past pain, why not choose to accept that it is done and appreciate the fact that everything you have experienced has made you the person you are today.  If you are not happy with who you are today, then decide to change yourself.  The future is still in front of you and you have the ability to make the remainder of your life wonderful.

Don’t settle for less than awesome.  Live! . . . your life to the fullest.