Which are you – a human BEing or a human DOing? How do you know the difference?
The difference is determined by where we get our value. Are you a valued human being simply because you have breath in your body, or are you valued because you have three degrees, make a good living doing a respectable white collar job and give to charities that help people in need?
I believe it is the former. God created each of us with unique talents and abilities. No two of us are exactly alike, even if born in multiples. Distinct combinations of personality traits determine our bent in life. We are born with these traits. Varied experiences and the thoughts we have about them contribute to how we think and feel about ourselves and others. This is who we are – even before we actively DO anything.
Our valuation of one another is based on our actions because at first glance that is all we can see. As we develop a relationship and really get to know someone, we learn their personality traits, talents and thoughts. That is when we know the true BEing.
The problem comes when we determine our own value by our actions rather than our true self. When we don’t take the time to get to know, understand and appreciate ourselves for who we truly are, then we determine our value by what we do. We become completely off balance. We try to DO things in an attempt to make us BE who we want to be, but it just doesn’t work that way.
If you only feel valuable when you are doing certain actions, then I encourage you to explore yourself from the inside out. Get to know the human being you are so you can truly live! . . . your life to the fullest.