The fresh start of a new year is so inspiring. Feeling the hope of possibilities awaiting me makes me want to get started right away working on my goals!
Getting started is often the easy part. It is sticking with it that is the greatest challenge. How do we find the sticktoitiveness to get the goals accomplished?
GRIT. That is how we do it. Grit is the difference in winning and losing. Grit is defined as courage and resolve. It is having determination, tenacity, perseverance and endurance.
What if you don’t possess these characteristics? Then you can develop them! Here’s how:
First of all, establish a daily routine for doing what needs to be done. Set aside a specific time each day that you are going to do what is required to accomplish the goal. It is preferable that it be the same time every day. Make a schedule prior to the beginning of each week and then make sure to honor that time. After you do this for a few weeks, it will become a habit and therefore much easier to do.
Next, determine why you want to accomplish the goal. Be very clear about the benefit you desire from this accomplishment. This will keep you going during those times when you really don’t feel like it.
Thirdly, keep your eye on the prize. Don’t allow yourself to think about the struggle, the work, the discomfort of doing what needs to be done. Instead, keep your focus on how wonderful it will be when you reach your goal!
Use your GRIT so you can live . . . your life to the fullest!