There was once an old farmer who encountered a big rock in one of his fields.  This rock had caused him frustration for years.  He had plowed around the rock and even broken several plow shears and a cultivator on it.  One day after breaking yet another plow shear on the rock, he decided to do something about it.

He got his crowbar and put it under the rock.  To his surprise he found that it was only about six inches thick and was easy to break up.  He had to chuckle to himself as he carted it away remembering all the trouble the rock had caused him over the years and how easy it would have been to deal with it sooner.

Have you encountered a similar situation?  You keep running into the same obstacle that slows you down in accomplishing your goals.  You find different ways to work around it.  It keeps hanging over your head and causing dread, but you just know it will take too much time and effort to deal with it now so you put it off yet again.

When you finally had enough and decided to work through the obstacle you realized that it was simple to take care of and was certainly not worth all the pain and frustration it had caused you.

I learned a long time ago that the best way out of a problem is through it.

What is the rock that is blocking you today?  Go ahead.  Break it up.  Cart it off.   NOW.    Then you can live . . . your life to the fullest.