One day at a time. That is a familiar saying that helps us get through a difficult or uncertain situation. The same tactic works when we feel overwhelmed with too much to do in a short amount of time. We must determine the most urgent task and focus our attention on completing it before moving to the next one.
This approach also works with worry. Worrying about all of your problems at the same time only makes things worse. It makes greater difficulties and increased stress and tension.
Choose your most urgent problem and then handle it. Give all your thought and effort to this one issue. Is it something you can change? If the answer is “no” then choose to have the wisdom to put it aside. If the answer is “yes” then change it. Do whatever you can to resolve the issue. Once you have done all you possibly can, then pick another problem and start working on it.
I have found that when I feel everything begin to cave in on me, if I just choose one thing and get busy then soon my world begins to look better.
Day, task or worry. Take it one at a time so you can live . . . your life to the fullest.