An old dog was lying on the front porch.  As a neighbor approached the porch he could hear the dog moaning.  He asked the owner of the dog why he was moaning.  The owner told his neighbor it was because he was lying on a nail.  The neighbor asked why he didn’t move.  The owner responded that he guessed it didn’t hurt that much yet.

Do you ever feel like that old dog?  You may be dissatisfied where you are, but not in enough discomfort to do something about it.  It is not until the pain of same becomes greater than the pain of change that some people will move.

Unfulfilling job?  Lifelong dream still hasn’t come true?  A business idea setting on the backburner?  A book burning inside you that has not yet been written?

What is the nail you are lying on?  Are you complaining but not yet willing to do what it takes?

Get off that nail so you can begin to live . . . your life to the fullest!