I read recently about a curse that a tribe called Tartar used on their enemies. It was not wishing the kind of bad things you would usually think of, such as injury, illness or loss of property. Instead, the curse was that the person would stay in one place forever.
Think about it. Staying in the same place forever. Does that mean living in the same city or even the same house forever? Maybe it could be working in the same job. No vacations? No time away from the day-to-day routine of life? How about remaining at the same education level? Thinking the same way forever without any growth or change of mindset? To be the same always.
You know how it feels to sit for a long period of time – maybe at your desk at work or in a meeting or training class. When you get up after being in the same position two or three hours, you may feel stiff and move rather slowly at first. Depending on where you are in life, it could even be painful.
It is the same with our emotional and thought life. If we feel the same way day after day, after day, after day, life becomes mundane and we eventually stop recognizing that we feel at all.
Do not be content with where you are right now. Move. Change. Grow. Experience new things.
Live! . . . your life to the fullest.