Life is often so busy that we just rush from one task to the next without even noticing the people around us. Taking just a moment to recognize someone and show that you care can completely turn a person’s day around.
Robert Conklin, in his book How to Get People to Do Things, told about experiencing a bumpy ride on a plane. The captain took time to share on the intercom his apology for the choppy ride. He explained that they were trying to find smooth air, but it was difficult. A flight attendant also apologized again as he was getting off the plane.
How does it make you feel when someone acknowledges that you have had an unpleasant experience? Conklin proposes that sharing “a little verbal peace offering” makes the other person feel better. Simply letting someone know that you noticed that they were treated unfairly or became upset about a situation can go a long way in improving that person’s day. Whether or not you had anything to do with what happened, kind words are appreciated.
Why not make the effort to show a caring attitude toward others? Just a smile or a kind word goes a long way. Take time to care and you will be on your way to living . . . life to the fullest.