Motivation can be challenging to achieve and maintain.  Working from a to-do list and having the satisfaction of checking off each item as it is completed.  Keeping your mind filled with positive information.  Having specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART) goals.  These are a few tactics that help with motivation.

Our inner drive is key to being motivated.  This could be the drive for power, money, self-fulfillment, fame.  This list could go on and on, depending on the individual.  According to Harry Levinson, the author of the book,The Exceptional Executive, the ego ideal is the most powerful motivator.  Levinson defines the ego ideal as the image a person has of himself at his future best.  In other words, what does it look like to be the very best person you will ever be?

This motivator could go either way.  For the person who doesn’t see himself improving and becoming more than he currently is, this could be a negative motivator.  If you can’t envision yourself better than you are now, then you will likely stay where you are now.  However, if you dream of new possibilities, achievements and fulfilled desires and can envision yourself in that place, you will most likely reach the top and see your dreams come true.  The vision of who you want to be directs your actions and keeps you taking step after step toward it.

What is the greatest achievement you will make?  Where do you see yourself 5, 10, 20 years from today?  What will you be doing?  Will you be happy?  What are you doing right now to ensure that your future looks the way you envision it?

Make your vision clear and head in that direction so you can live . . . your life to the fullest.