Stop and smell the roses. Now this is an old axiom that we have heard many times. It is easy to just jog right past it, flippantly thinking how nice it would be to have the time for that. However, it is not really about the roses. Not slowing down enough to appreciate the small things around us can prevent us from truly living.
I am a huge proponent of dreaming of what you want in life and going after it. We must note, though, that the going after it part is just as much a part of the dream as the happy ending! Our tendency to think, “I’ll be happy when . . . “ keeps us in a state of dissatisfaction. Why not just go ahead and be happy now?
Maintaining an attitude of gratitude is key. Choose to recognize what you already have, even though you want more or better. Walking through the intentional steps you have planned for yourself gives you the assurance that you will have the better that you desire. Even though it may take longer than you would like to achieve the full goal, you know that as long as you continue taking the steps day after day after day, you will get there. Having a made-up mind will allow you to enjoy the journey.
Dream, plan, step, smell. Then you can live . . . your life to the fullest.