Why do you live your life?  Is it to get all the satisfaction and enjoyment you can?  Is your primary focus to be happy and have the best life possible?

Being happy is good, but I propose that you view your life from a different perspective.  Happiness doesn’t come from making life all about you.  It comes from doing those things that bring fulfillment, which almost always involves making life better for someone else.

Making sure that others with whom you come in contact gain something positive from you is one way to maintain focus on others.  Do people leave your presence feeling better than when they approached you?  Are you helpful and inspirational to them?  Do you share a smile and lift the mood of others?

Simply being kind to people makes them, and you, feel better.  Holding the door for a stranger could be the highlight of their day.  A smile and a nod to someone who looks unhappy can turn their life around.  You don’t know what they are dealing with that may have caused that frown.  Look for the good in others, not for their faults.

Recognize that we are all different.  Life would be boring if everyone acted just like you!  Accept people as they are rather than trying to change them.  And be patient with them.  After all, they do have to deal with you!

Create happiness for others and you will have it as well.  Live . . . your life to the fullest.