The human mind is amazing and capable of so much more than we can actually experience.  Many thoughts go through our minds each day; more than we are aware of and certainly many more than we can remember.  Instead of scolding yourself for not remembering something you need, why not put forth the effort to remember.  Here are some tips that will help.

First, remember to remember.  Make a point to tell yourself that you want to remember a certain thing.  This will cause you to concentrate on remembering that thing.  This one simple task will immediately improve your memory.  Try it!

Next, simply pay attention.  Have you ever asked someone a question and then not listened for the answer?  I certainly have.  Much of the problem is not memory, but is lack of attention.  Pay more attention to what is around you, and especially the important things you will need later.

Then, practice.  Practice is one of the best ways to improve anything.  Repeat and review the material you wish to recall.  Then wait a little while and practice bringing it back to your mind.  This will reinforce the information and make it easier to remember.

Lastly, focus.  Don’t allow distractions to take your mind away from what you are trying to learn.  Concentrate on one thing at a time.

The ability to recall desired information will improve your day-to-day.  Intentionally put forth the effort so you can live . . . your life to the fullest.