Whatever it is, you can do it with a smile – or a least a pleasant expression. President Eisenhower was known by one of his aides to be the person who could just look at someone with a smile and get them to do what he wanted. Whether you are leading people or simply passing them on the street, a good-natured approach is best. Unfortunately, it is easy to forget that. Why do you think that is?
Sometimes we tend to take ourselves too seriously, especially when we are under pressure. There is so much to do and it often feels there is not enough time to get it all done. When our focus is on taking care of our own business, we lose sight of the other person and their needs.
Many leaders feel they need to be gruff in order to get others to take them seriously. That, of course, is not so. When people get to know you and understand that you can be trusted to follow through on what you say, then they will respond to that. In fact, you gain the respect of people better with a smile than a scowl.
The smile is the most basic tool taught to employees in customer service. This is critical whether you interact with the customer face-to-face or via telephone. Did you know you can hear a smile? I interview candidates for jobs over the phone and I make it a point to smile while I’m talking with them. That is one of the primary things I am looking for in them as well. Imagine calling your doctor’s office because you are sick and the person who answers the telephone grumpily says, “Can you hold please” without even saying hello! I have had that experience and you most likely have as well. Sometimes they don’t even wait for you to answer before putting you on hold! How does that make you feel?
A smile makes you more approachable and acceptable to others. And, it makes you feel better too!
Remember to wear your smile so you can live . . . your life to the fullest.