A bumblebee cannot fly according to the theory of aerodynamics.  The size, weight and shape of a bee’s body in relation to its total wingspread makes flying impossible.  Apparently no one told the bumblebee this bit of scientific information.  He goes ahead and flies anyway!  And, he makes a little honey every day along the way!

Nick Saban told a story at a Get Motivated seminar.  He shared about a boy who didn’t do well in school.  He made Ds.  When he took the ACT, however, he made a 28, so he was accepted into a Junior college.  He did well in college and went on to become the president of a company.

Years later this young man received a letter telling him he had been sent the wrong ACT score.  He, in fact, had scored much lower than he was told he had.  His actual score would not have allowed him to get into college.  He most likely would not have gone on to do so well in life if he had not been sent incorrect ACT results.  He thought he could, so he did!

What have you been told you cannot do?  What have you convinced yourself is impossible for you?

Throw that belief out the window and get busy!  Then you, too, can live . . . your life to the fullest.