I was encouraged recently by a devotion in the Women’s Devotional Bible written by Doris Haase. She told the story about a weary traveler in young America . He needed to cross the Mississippi River during the winter, but was unsure if the ice was strong enough to support his weight. It was important that he make it to the other side before dark, so he carefully began to crawl out onto the ice. He was afraid and wondered if he would make it successfully. But then a horse-drawn wagon with a driver cheerfully singing drove past him. This driver obviously knew something he didn’t and trusted the frozen river.

Isn’t that just like us sometimes? Why do we creep through life with uncertainty when we have the option of trusting the Almighty God to lead us in the way we should go and to take care of us no matter what we encounter. I agree with Ms. Haase in her devotion; I choose to move boldly and confidently into the life God has planned for me – cheerfully singing as I go.