Friendship is defined as the state of being friends. A friend is defined as one attached to another by affection or esteem.
Do you have valued friendships? If so, what makes them valuable to you? The longevity of the relationship? The dependability of the friend? Enjoyment of your time together? Being able to totally relax and be yourself when you are with them?
I have ongoing friendships with childhood friends. Other friendships began as an adult and have lasted for many years. I also have friendships made in the past couple years that are important to me. Longevity is special, but some friendships seem to be only for a specific period of time.
Whether for a lifetime, an extended time or a brief time, friendships are vital to a fulfilling life.
What makes a friendship successful and meaningful? I believe that it is, like most things in life, dependent on our mindset. If we view friendship as something we get, it may be nice, but not as amazing as it could be. If, however, we see friendship as something we give, then it is likely to be a treasure.
Give friendship so you can live . . . your life to the fullest.