Do you ever get all bent out of shape about something? I certainly do and I have learned a helpful tactic to deal with it.
You are rolling along having a good day. All is well and you feel great!
Then it happens. That something that just gets under your skin. You become upset about the something. And then you are upset because you are upset! And then you are upset because you realize your good day was just ruined!
Can you relate? I thought so.
How about trying this the next time you find yourself in that situation.
- Step back from the frustration for a moment. Take a good look at the something. What actually happened? Is it really as bad as your reaction implies? Is there anything you can do to change or correct it?
You are familiar with the Serenity Prayer: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.”
- If there is nothing you can do to change or correct the something, then let it go. Refuse to dwell on it. Free yourself from the bondage of this Not doing so will only lengthen the time of your suffering.
Charles Kettering, the famous inventor, said, “A problem well stated is a problem half solved.”
- If you can define an action that would make this something better or resolve it altogether, then by all means take action. Do it as soon as is reasonably possible.
A problem can arise at any time. But we don’t have to let it ruin our day. Define it and deal with it so you can get on with living your life to the fullest.