I woke up at 2:00 am to the sound of the storm alert on my phone. I turned on the television to check out the situation. That is when I realized the storm was headed in my direction. I watched the weather updates for about an hour until I was confident that the tornado warning in my area was over and to my knowledge had not caused damage near me.
Just that quickly, and sometimes with no notice at all, storms of life hit us. One came to me last week in the form of a car accident. I was sitting on the interstate in stop and go traffic when, without warning, a car rammed into the back of mine, pushing my car into the stopped car in front of me. In an instant I found myself in the middle, literally, of a three car pile-up. Fortunately, this accident resulted in no serious injuries and drivable damage to cars.
We all face storms in life and sometimes they do cause damage and serious injury. Emotional pain, financial struggles, loss of a loved one with the ongoing grief. Some storms literally destroy homes – taking a physical house to the ground or ending a marriage which rips apart an entire family.
An interesting fact is that storms come . . . and storms go. The next day after waking up to a tornado warning in the middle of the night, the sun was shining bright and it was a beautiful, breezy day. Although I still have a wrecked car, I fully expect that situation to be corrected soon.
Experience the storm, learn what you can from it, and then enjoy the sunny days. Then you will be able to live . . . your life to the fullest.