In mathematics, two numbers are added together, the total is divided by two, which gives you the average of the numbers. Average can refer to what is true most of the time. For instance, average rainfall in Seattle is 52 inches. What is considered to be normal is another use of the word average. Such as, average intelligence.
Synonyms for the word average include fair, mediocre, ordinary.
I recently ran across an anonymous quotation that puts it in perspective.
“If a man stands with his right foot on a hot stove and his left foot in a freezer, some statisticians would assert that, on the average, he’s comfortable.”
Now, that does not sound like comfort to me! It actually sounds rather ridiculous, doesn’t it?
Don’t you think it is equally ridiculous to settle for being average in any way? Think about it. Would you like to be referred to as being fair, mediocre or ordinary??
I was raised with the understanding that if it is worth doing, it is worth doing well. So why not just go ahead and do everything the best you possibly can.
Excellent, extraordinary, outstanding. Now those are words you want used to describe you.
Leave average behind and reach for more. That is when you can live . . . your life to the fullest.