I’ve been sharing insights from Dr. John Maxwell’s leadership tape, Learning from Your Limitations. I wrote last week about how we often accept limitations set upon us by others. We can overcome those type limitations and recognize that they are not “real.”

We also have to realize, however, that sometimes limitations are just a fact. We all have limitations of some kind, but we don’t have to let them keep us from reaching our full potential. Dr. Maxwell quotes Lucille Ball, “Knowing what you cannot do is more important than knowing what you can do.” If we recognize our strengths, then we can have people around us to assist with the areas in which we are not strong.

Fred Smith Sr. said, “A problem is something you can do something about. A fact of life is something you can do nothing about.” We must know the difference.

Dr. Maxwell offers four examples of facts of life that apply to everyone.

(1) The first is the limitation of our days. We are human and will not live forever. This in itself should
motivate us to live every day to the fullest. I don’t want to waste one minute of this precious life, so I choose to live my life with purpose.

(2) The second fact of life he mentions is the limitation of our gifts. We are not all gifted the same. It is important that we recognize we can’t do everything; we need each other. We need a team around us.

(3) The third fact that affects us all is the limitation of resources. We don’t “have it all.” Fortunately, we don’t need it all in order to succeed. If we make the best of what we have, it will be enough.

(4) Fourthly, is the limitation of relationships. We will not be able to please everyone. There may even be times when we don’t seem to have any supportive relationships, therefore we feel alone.

Our humanity, gifting, available resources and limited relationships are facts of life we must face. However, we can rest in the knowledge that we can manage the limiting facts, develop the strengths we possess and live our life to the fullest every day.