I heard an interview with The Robert D this week about his book, 20,000 Days and Counting. He presents a number of very interesting concepts in this book, one of which is living each day as though it was your last. He shared in the interview about seeing a classmate die when he was a young teenager. This caused him to live keenly aware that each day is a gift. We are not guaranteed another one. He chose to live each day as though it was his last for a period of time. He told of how he would be up late at night writing letters to people or completing a task because he wouldn’t leave anything undone. He would go to bed and then think of something else and get up and do it before sleeping.

I’ve heard Zig Ziglar talk about working regularly the way you do the week before going on vacation. You know how we work extra diligently to make sure everything is caught up before leaving. Just think how much we would accomplish if we worked with that kind of fervor every day!

Do you have a particular thought process that encourages you to do your best? If so, share it with us so that we can all strive to live life to the fullest.