I like to celebrate whenever I can find a reason. It doesn’t have to be a big thing, or a big celebration for that matter. I have been known to invite some friends to lunch just because it’s the anniversary of my employment date and I want to celebrate it. Sometimes I celebrate because it’s Friday. I like to take friends to lunch or dinner to celebrate their birthday.

It is so much more fun to be happy about the good things in life than to be unhappy. Benjamin Zander states, “I actively train my students that when they make a mistake, they are to lift their arms in the air, smile and say, ‘How fascinating!’ I recommend that everyone try this.” Now there is an interesting idea!

Taking the time to recognize and celebrate the little things causes us to see more good. We get what we focus on. I would much prefer to look for positives and therefore have more to celebrate!

Betty Mahalik, in her book, Living a Five Star Life, shares that the first question she asks her coaching clients each week is, “What have been your wins this week?” She says they often have trouble thinking of a response, but throughout the session may mention several accomplishments, acknowledging that they had not given themselves credit for them. She said that when she points this out, the client responds that they never thought of it as an accomplishment. She states, “Someone said that if you want to improve the world, start at your own doorstep. I can’t think of a better way to begin than by giving yourself credit. Giving yourself the gift of personal appreciation may just be the ultimate gift that keeps on giving!”

I challenge you to begin today to recognize and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. When you begin to look for the positives in your own life, I believe you will begin to see them in others as well. Let’s all celebrate so we can live! . . . life to the fullest.