Wow! I just listened to the most amazing podcast sermon by Andy Stanley! He is doing a series called Breathing Room in which he talks about ensuring margin in our lives. We all pack so much into our days that we often lose focus of what is truly important. He shared from an article by a hospice nurse who asked her patients as they neared the end of their lives what they regretted most. The number one regret was that they did not live their life true to themselves, but instead lived to please someone else, whether it was keeping up with the Joneses or being in a career because it was expected of them by their parents.

The only way we can reach the end of our life without regret is if we seek God and know the specific plan He has for us and then live it. He has a plan just for you. Are you living out that plan? Have you even asked Him what the plan is?

He created each of us with the specific strengths to fulfill His plan for us. We can live in the sweet spot of life if we will only follow His guidance.

Andy Stanley encourages us to live as though our days are numbered. They are, you know. While we may not know the number like the patients of the hospice nurse, we all have a limited number of days to live. What would you do differently tomorrow if you knew you only had four more weeks to live?

Health is one of our most incredible gifts. If you are healthy and able to move and live and work, then I challenge you to ask yourself the questions he asked at the end of his sermon.

What do I need to add to my schedule?
What do I need to completely remove from my schedule?
What do I need to do more of?
What do I need to do less of?

If you will truthfully answer these questions and make the necessary changes, you can begin today to live
. . . life to the fullest.