I am sitting in the service department waiting area while a recall part is being installed on my car. I was thinking on the way here about the inconvenience this is, but then decided to focus on the advantage instead. Not taking the time for this correction could result in serious injury in the future. Just one split-second accident could negatively change life if I didn’t take this hour or two out of my day. That is a risk I am not willing to take.
Similarly, not taking the time out for personal rejuvenation may also result in future harm. We stay so busy that we think there isn’t enough time to take care of ourselves. Who has time to get proper rest, exercise or even to eat healthy? Everyone knows that it’s easier to grab a snack on the way out the door or go through the fast food drive thru than to prepare healthy food. How can we get in bed an hour early when we could get just a little more work done before retiring for the night?
What recall part needs to be replaced in your life? Answer that question and get to the service department soon so you can begin to live . . . life to the fullest.