problemsI have heard so much during the past week or so about enduring difficulty and why we go through tough times. Some I heard from people who are currently experiencing problems, but some of what I have encountered has been through sermons and Bible Studies. In fact, the study we did in our monthly ladies group at church this past week dealt with that very thing. Isn’t it just amazing how that works?!

I believe there are several reasons:

• Problems give us opportunity to experience personal growth. If everything in life goes just the way we want it to, then we begin to take things for granted. It’s when we must endure unpleasant situations that we become more appreciative for the good times. Successfully persevering through issues makes us better prepared for the future.

• I have found quite often that having been through tough times enables me to encourage other people when they experience similar issues. There is no better encouragement than to have someone share with you that they have been through the same thing and came out the victor. And, this not only helps the person with whom we share, but we are blessed as well! God’s ways are truly amazing!

• When those problems require more than just endurance and perseverance, but the miraculous power of God must intervene, then God gets extra glory. I believe that is sometimes the only reason necessary!

Although it is not always easy, we must learn that we can trust God’s sovereignty, even when life just doesn’t make sense to us. The truth is, we may never understand some things. But, fortunately, we don’t have to. Problems are just part of life and we all experience them. As Jen Hatmaker stated in the Pulling the Thread study, “if you have not had problems, just live longer.”

I encourage you to learn from your problems so you can live! . . . life to the fullest.