One primary reason so many of us are content with just going with the flow of our life and do not pursue more is the way we think of ourselves. We don’t feel that we deserve any more than we have or that we are capable of doing what it would take to see our dream fulfilled. We think that we were meant to live paycheck to paycheck and get up every weekday morning and go to work at a job we don’t really enjoy, clean house or do yard work on Saturday, go to church on Sunday and then get ready to begin another week of the same. We will be content with some special family time on holidays and a vacation once a year and just survive the rest.

But, what if we really could look forward to getting up on Monday morning and spending the day doing something we really enjoy? What if we really could sit down at the end of the day and reflect on the positive impact we have made? What if we really could have sufficient means so that we don’t fret constantly over every dollar we spend because there won’t be enough for necessities?

What if . . .