I read recently about a curse that a tribe called Tartar used on their enemies. It was not wishing the [...]
I read recently about a curse that a tribe called Tartar used on their enemies. It was not wishing the [...]
An old dog was lying on the front porch. As a neighbor approached the porch he could hear the dog [...]
You see something you really desire to experience in your future. You recognize that you have the talent to accomplish [...]
These are the words I heard a speaker say years ago that have proven to be life changing for me. [...]
Do you want to succeed? Then act like it! A basic law of success is to act as if you [...]
Indecision is one of the most unsettling experiences! You are at a crossroad and must choose. Do I go left [...]
A beautiful home, a new car, a well-paying job, luxury vacations. Are these the things that make your life worthwhile? Being [...]
"Do you have trouble hearing?” asked the teacher of a youngster who sat dreamily at his desk. “No, Ma’am,” [...]
Gary Player is a retired South African professional golfer. He was often asked what he thought of a course when [...]
One day at a time. That is a familiar saying that helps us get through a difficult or uncertain situation. [...]