The greatest reason for remaining in our comfort zone is fear. It may be the fear of failure or even [...]
The greatest reason for remaining in our comfort zone is fear. It may be the fear of failure or even [...]
Dr. Lee Colan’s second question to help us out of our comfort zone is, “Can I dip my toe in [...]
Dr. Lee Colan offers four questions to help us begin moving out of our comfort zone. The first is, “Who [...]
The February 7, 2012 edition of The Ziglar Weekly Newsletter includes an article by Dr. Lee Colan entitled, Quit Getting [...]
The fourth step to end procrastination as presented by Michelle Prince is “Start Living Now.” If we are waiting until [...]
Michelle Prince’s third step to ending procrastination is “dust off your dreams.” We all have dreams even though some of [...]
Michelle Prince’s second tip is to “practice discipline and motivation.” This one can sometimes be difficult to maintain. Michelle suggests [...]
Michelle Prince, author of Winning in Life Now, shared about procrastination in her recent newsletter. She says, “when we are [...]
I love the fifth principle of performance Zig Ziglar includes in his newsletter: “Happiness, joy, and gratitude are universal if [...]
Zig Ziglar’s fourth principle of performance states, “Never make a promise without a plan.” How do you feel when someone [...]